There’s an adage nowadays for running that basically says, “run slow to run fast.” It’s mentioned without the context that you should be running your slow/easy/recovery runs slow and your workouts/fast runs fast. If you run everything fast or somewhere in that middle zone, your body won’t be able to recover and be ready for what you’re throwing at it.

Discussing the design of running training plans was not the point. I realized the idea of “run slow to run fast” (when you factor in that you should run fast at times) applies to work. I recognize this isn't some novel epiphany, but as a runner and cyclist who takes my slow runs and my workouts seriously, I realized I don’t apply that same mentality to work. I can’t maintain that fast run-style of working for very long. There are periods of weeks/months where it’s go, go, go, but if I attempt that for too long, I crash and burn, and my work grinds to a halt. Maybe it’s time to apply “run slow to run fast” to work.